Let’s create a plan for your money so that you can live your life the way that you want to.


If you’ve got some big things on your bucket list that you’d like to have and do, let’s not put them to the side any longer.

Working with a financial adviser will help you to get strategic with your money and create a financial plan that sees these things actually happen - rather than just collect dust on the ‘would be nice’ shelf.

Ready to make some progress towards the life that you picture when you close your eyes?


How I can help:


Money management

Wait - don’t hang up! There’ll be no recommendations to skip your morning latte and eat soggy sandwiches for lunch here (yuck).

We’ll explore where your money is going now and craft a money management plan to give every dollar a purpose that aligns with what it is that you want for your life both now and in the future.

We’ll find a way for you to manage your money that fits into your life with ease AND sees you actually progressing towards your goals. 


Superannuation often gets placed on the ‘deal with later’ pile because retirement feels like it’s a really long time away, so it’s just not a priority when you have so many other things happening right now.

But, taking some care with your superannuation to ensure that it is structured and invested appropriately now will help to ensure that you can continue to live a great lifestyle in retirement and have the financial ability to keep ticking things off your bucket list - no matter your age.


Investing is where we make your money work for you, rather than the other way around. We’ll create an investment strategy that will help you use your wealth strategically to achieve your financial goals

Personal Protection (Plan B)

Whilst we're working together to create a plan for your money that sees you achieve your goals and live the life you want to (Your Plan A), there’s a really important question to consider… What if something happens that gets in the way of that?

We really don’t want sickness or injury completely derailing your goals. We’ll consider what impact it may have on you and your family in the event of illness, injury or death and help you create a Plan B.

Estate Planning

If even just reading the words estate planning made you feel uncomfortable just now, know that you’re not alone.

This stuff is hard to talk about, but so important.

Estate planning helps to ensure that your wishes are met if you pass away, and that you get to decide who will make your medical or financial decisions if you become unable to make them yourself.

Retirement Planning

I don’t know about you, but lately I feel like every time that I blink I’m another year older. Financially planning for retirement as early as you can is essential.

With retirement planning, we’ll recommend strategies to support you in accumulating assets and providing you with an income to fund the retirement lifestyle that you’d like to have. 


Your Financial Advice Journey

Step 1: Let’s talk money!

In our first session, we’ll get to know one another and start to uncover your current financial situation and what’s important to you.

I’ll ask you some questions around different aspects of your finances so that we can get a really clear picture of where you’re starting from. Not only will we look at the practical aspects of money, we’ll also explore the ever-so-important mindset and behavioural aspects. We’ll take a look at how you’re doing things right now to consider if it is helping or hindering your progress towards your goals.

From there we’ll talk big picture and explore what it is that you want your life and your finances to look like (now and into the future). We’ll develop a clear timeline of what you’d like to happen and when, so you know where to focus your financial priorities.

We'll take a look at the mindset, behavioural and practical levers that you can pull to build some momentum and see the life that you picture when you close your eyes actually start to come to fruition.

I’ll educate you around different aspects of personal finance and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to ask your money related questions.

From here you can decide if you’d like to get personalised financial advice or further coaching from me to keep me by your side while you navigate your finances. If advice is required, we'll determine the scope of advice (the areas of advice that we’ll be covering) and email you with a proposal following your session.

These sessions are held online via Zoom.

Step 2: Prepare & present your advice

I’ll go away and prepare your financial plan on how you can get strategic with your money to get from Point A (where you are right now) to Point B (your goals and the life that you want to live).

I’ll put this together a document known as a Statement of Advice (SOA) which outlines your current situation, your goals and my recommendations.

We’ll meet to go through the advice together so that you can get to know your strategy in detail, ask questions and feel comfortable going ahead with the recommendations.

Step 3: Implementation

Once you’re ready and happy to go ahead with the recommendations, we’ll get the ball rolling on all of the paperwork and implementing the advice. We’ll make the process as easy as possible so that you can sit back and relax while everything takes shape. I’ll keep you posted along the way to let you know how everything is progressing.

Step 4: Ongoing coaching/advice (optional, but recommended)

Ongoing sessions to keep you on track and ensure that you’re continually optimising your finances to get to your goals as quickly as possible (and account for any changes to your circumstances!)


Ready to get started?

Book your first session here.